Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

I got my winter dream for more snow! It's snowing right now and we have a couple inches! It snowed last week as well. :)

I had a blast being outside last week in the snow and running out there real quick this morning before work. I'm definitely heading back out once I get off work. 

Swinging in the snow is my favorite! It's so exhilarating! 


I really love this picture! 

I was having fun taking shadow pictures. ;)

Do you have snow?

Are you wanting more snow or are you ready for spring? 


  1. Playing in the snow is fun, but by now, I'm so ready for spring!!! :)

    1. I love the snow! If it was just cold here then I'd probably be ready for spring too, but since there's snow, I'm definitely not ready for spring. ;)

  2. Ahhh, your pictures are so pretty! I especially love the 4th. *heart eyes* I'm hoping we get more snow! Currently, just lottsss of rain. :P

    1. Thanks, Faith! :) I like how they turned out. <3
      I hope you get more snow too! Rain can be nice and those dreary days are great for reading, but there's just something about snow.

  3. Replies
    1. I think most people in my family, besides me, are ready for spring too. ;)
