Saturday, February 15, 2020

When Calls the Heart Blog Party // Day 3 // Lucas or Nathan

I hope everyone has been having as much fun as Faith and I with this party! Today is the last day to get an entry for the giveaway. All you have to do to earn points is comment on our blogs. The winners will be announced tomorrow morning. :)

Today I will be talking about the two new guys in Hope Valley: Nathan Grant the Mountie and Lucas Bouchard the saloon owner.

Lucas showed up in town out of the blue. He came in and bought the saloon, sight unseen.
There were quite a few people who weren't sure of him at first. Not too many of the towns folk liked him much when he kept the saloon open late since it was always so loud. There were a few problems there but he and Abigail eventually came to an agreement.

Nathan showed up a few episodes after Lucas. It was hard for Elizabeth to see a new Mountie in town, but I loved how she went and welcomed him. It was so sweet.
Nathan also has a niece named Allie. She is a bit of a handful, but Nathan is a pretty great uncle.

Lucas bought a building for Elizabeth to have as a library. I thought that was sweet, but at the same time that it was a little odd for him to get her such a huge gift like that...

It was so adorable during the party for Baby Jack's christening when Nathan offered to hold the baby for Elizabeth!

I absolutely loved it when both Nathan and Lucas were trying to show off a bit at the Founder's Day party. ;)

Then there was the part where Elizabeth chose Lucas during ladies choice at the dance...and while Elizabeth was dancing with Lucas she looked up and saw Nathan and their eyes met...

I like both guys, but currently I would have to say I'm rooting for Lucas...

So, are you Team Nathan or Team Lucas?

Head on over to Faith's blog to see her fun post for the day!


  1. Ahhh, I believe this is one of those corners of WCTH where we disagree, hehe. I'm Team Nathan. Man of the red surge. Plus he's so handsome. ;)

    Lovely post!

    1. We seem to not agree on couples much do we? ;)
      I do like Nathan, but yeah, I'm kinda pulling for Lucas currently. :D

  2. I haven't seen season 6, but based on what I'm reading I am team Nathan!

    1. You really need to watch season 6! ;D Nathan's pretty great. ;)

  3. I havent seen this season yet but from reading your fun posts I'm on team Nathan!!


    1. You should definitely watch this season! Haha, Nathan is pretty great. ;)

  4. Hehe, I’m team nobody, lol! I’m team Jack *cries*
