Thursday, February 13, 2020

When Calls the Heart Blog Party // Day 1

The When Calls the Heart blog party is back for it's 4th year!! I enjoy co-hosting this party each year with Faith!

Season 7 premiers in just a week and a half!! I can't believe it's already on it's 7th year. I've been loving this show since 2014!

I am going to be doing a season 6 recap today. A lot happened in season 6, but this will be a very brief recap.

Season 6 started off with a Christmas special. In that one Elizabeth was very pregnant. We saw the town come together to support Elizabeth. In the end of the episode Elizabeth had a sweet little boy who she named Jack.


Not too far into the season both Abigail and Cody left Hope Valley. It was sad seeing them go. 

There was the whole thing with the saloon selling. Both Bill and Henry planned to buy it but when they finally decided to go into business together they found that the saloon had already been sold. 

Lucas Bouchard came to town. He bought the saloon. While he was welcomed in Hope Valley there were a lot of people skeptical of him. He has a bit of a past and we saw some of that throughout the season. 

Nathan Grant is the new Mountie. He has a young niece named Allie.

Carson and Faith have a relationship going.

Jesse and Clara got engaged! I enjoyed seeing their relationship come along. 

Lee and Rosemary are just as cute as ever. I really hope they have a kid in season 7. They are the sweetest couple ever!

I loved seeing Elizabeth as a mom in this past season. It was fun to see her in this stage of life and Baby Jack is just so cute!

Then there was also a bit of a love triangle happening with Elizabeth, Lucas, and Nathan. (I'll be doing a post more on that topic later in the party. ;))

Faith and I are doing a giveaway!! We will be having a 1st and 2nd place winner who will receive some When Calls the Heart DVDs.
All you have to do to enter is comment on our posts. The more you comment the more chances you have to win! So be sure to check out our posts each day!
Now head on over to Faith's blog for her post of the day. You won't want to miss it!!


  1. Rosemary and Lee! (Rosemary is very entertaining!) XD
    Excited to read both of your posts!!

    1. They are such a sweet couple! (For sure! It wouldn't be the same without her.)
      Yay, I'm so happy! :)

  2. Fun post, m'dear! I need to rewatch S6 xD

    1. Thank you!! I just recently rewatched the 6th season with my sister! It was so fun. ;)

  3. The only reason my father would watch WCH is because of Rosemary. I haven't seen the 6th season yet. I'm so behind!

  4. Ooooo fun! I've only seen the first season of When Calls the Heart but I LOVE IT!!! XD
    I loved reading your posts last year ( I think it was).
    eeeek! I would love to win some When Calls the Heart Movies!!! <3 :D


    1. The 1st season is so good!! You should definitely watch the rest! :D
      I'm so glad! Faith and I always have so much fun doing this. :)
