Monday, February 3, 2020

Me in Book Characters Tag

Today my friend Brooklyne, and I will be doing the Me in Book Characters Tag. In this tag we will each choose five book characters that we think are most similar to us. We will be doing the same thing over on Brooklyne's blog as well!
I'll list my character then Brooklyne will do hers.

1. The Christy Miller series by Robin Jones Gunn. Christy and I are pretty alike. Some of our looks are actually very similar as well as our personalities.
I relate more to Christy in some of the later books then in the books where she is a younger teen.
Occasionally Christy will irritate me about how she responded to something but then I think about it and realize that I might’ve handled the situation in not as great of a way either. I think sometimes the main characters in books can be so amazing and handle things perfectly that when you get to a relatable character you wonder why they did this or that until you realize that that is actually realistic.
I feel like I can relate to Christy and it’s nice to see her grow and mature throughout the books.

2. Katie from Katie in Waiting by Erynn Mangum is so me. It’s kind of scary how similar we are! Several times throughout the book I was saying things like, “me too!” or “hey, that is just like me!”.
It was just so weird how similar Katie and I were. From our thoughts and feelings on singleness and marriage down to small things like not being an animal person or disliking beards.  ;)
Reading Katie’s story encouraged me and I’m already reading it a second time!

3. Christy Huddleston from the 12 book Christy series based off the book by Catherine Marshall. Christy and I aren’t quite as similar as the first two characters I chose, but at the same time there are a few things that we are pretty close on. Christy likes children and making a difference in their lives. She’s a school teacher for a school in the Tennessee mountains. The families are very poor and the children don’t have much. I love how Christy takes the time to get to know her students and to be there for them. I love making kids feel valued and loved.

4. My own character Lily Winters. Out of all the characters I have written so far Lily is the most like me. We are both middle children and we are the peacemakers. Lily journals a lot because it helps her process things. In one scene Lily says, “Writing in my journal is like therapy to me.” That is for sure how I feel. While I made Lily and I have our differences we are very much alike.

5. Piper Redding from Live Without You by Sarah Grace Grzy. I can relate to Piper in some ways. Her and I both don’t really want to open up to people because we’re afraid of getting hurt. I took a Live Without You character quiz and got Piper. The description said something along the line of having a tender heart but sometimes are too afraid to show it. I can really connect with people but sometimes I hold back because I don’t want to go through the pain if they leave like some have done in the past. Something she learned through the book was that God is always there and He will never leave you. Which is so true. He will love you forever.

1. Aimee in Third Chances by Brooklyne Elysse

Yes. Yes, I did just list my own book that isn't even a "book" yet. (*shakes head* I'm already breaking the rules of this tag)
Aimee in my WIP, Third Chances, has many commonalities with me. (But also we have our differences too, I want to think she is a little more uptight than I am. *whispers* I have been called uptight before though *hides*)
A few things we have in common are... We both love animals. We like things black and white, right and wrong, and the grey areas in life make us stressed out. We aren't necessarily assertive. We feel awkward on the inside, but most likely it isn't really that awkward. We both have a hard time "letting go." We don't like surprises. We are compassionate. We are caring. We can be stubborn. We like doing things that matter. We don't need fancy. We like giving more than receiving gifts.

2. Caden in Where Two Hearts Meet (Prince Edward Island Dreams #2) by Liz Johnson

I have a lot in common with Caden. We both love to cook and bake. We try to keep a organized kitchen, one that works smoothly and we would rather not have messiness (even though getting messy can sometimes be fun.) We stay calm in crisis situations even when we are flipping out on the inside. We will wait to break down quietly in our room after the situation has been resolved. Because of this, we keep things bottled up inside which can then result in a "teapot" explosion. We are mature, logical, we take things to heart. Some would want to call it left brained, but really we are right brained. We both have blonde hair. We both don't think very highly of ourselves, we are always hardest on ourselves. We love others, but sometimes don't show the same love to ourselves. We can be insecure, especially when it comes to body image. We appreciate beautiful landscapes and scenery. We are entrepreneurs.

3. Rosalie in Love Finds You in Victory Heights, Washington by Tricia Goyer and Ocieanna Fleiss

Rosalie is much braver than I, but we do have some things in common... We don't like to just sit around and wait, we like to stay busy. Especially when things are rough. We aren't afraid of getting our hands dirty and rather like the mechanics of fixing things. We are stronger than we think. We fear heartbreak. And that fear can cause us to hesitate. To be cautious. We stand up for the people we care about. We try to encourage those we are around. We are loyal.

4. Grace in Heart on the Line by Karen Witemeyer

I found many similarities with Grace. We don't like things to hang over our heads, unfinished business nags on us after awhile. We aren't afraid to find the humor in a situation. We don't always follow the textbook rules to living life. We come out of our shells when we write (or in Grace's case, sending telegraphs..) We love having a community of family and friends. We like feeling like we are apart of a team. Thus, we are good team players. We are good listeners.

5. Abigail's in Abigail's Dream by Kay D. Rizzo

Abigail had a few things in common with me. We like adventure. We are hard workers. And when we have a dream, we go forward with it. We have a hard time thinking on the spot in intense situations, but usually come up with good plans if given enough time to think things through. We love kids, and can play with ages younger than ourselves. We like routine, but not mundaneness. We like traveling, but also like to be settled.

Those are the book character that we thought were most like us! It's actually harder then it looks to try and find five characters. ;)

I tag: Victoria, Kaitlyn, and Faith, if they want to do it.


  1. This was loads of fun! Thanks for doing it with me! We should do more collaboration posts in the future! <33

    1. It sure was! :) Thanks for doing it with me! <3 Yes, we definitely should!! :D

  2. Replies
    1. I'm so glad! I can't wait to see which characters you choose if you do the tag. ;)
