Monday, August 12, 2019

The Sunshine Blogger Award (2019 Edition)

Brooklyne over at Showers of Blessings recently did the Sunshine Blogger Award tag and she left it open for whoever wanted to do it, so I decided to go for it and answer the questions that she asked. ;)

1. What is one thing you like about your middle name?
I like that it has a unique spelling! Ashleigh. :)

2. If you could play any instrument without having to learn it, what would you play?
I'd have to say the piano. I do know how to play a little bit. I took piano lessons for a year, but I'd love to know how to play concertinos and such.

3. What's your favorite veggie?
Carrots for sure! But raw carrots. I prefer most veggies if they're raw.

4. How much would you have to be paid to go skydiving?
Not too much. I think it might be fun, but only as long as it's tandem skydiving. Although I'd rather go zip lining and parasailing first! :D

5. What is your favorite plant and why?
I like forget-me-nots because they are so cute and tiny and blue. :)

6. What was the first thing you woke up thinking today?
I woke up thinking about how excited I am for fall. I woke up earlier then usual this morning and it was still slightly dark in my room and a bit chilly and it kind of felt like fall, so now I'm super excited for fall to arrive.

7. Would you rather go swimming or lay out?
I would definitely rather go swimming.

8. What is your favorite song to sing with your best friend?
I don't really sing with friends...

9. Can you do a cartwheel?
Unfortunately no. I wish I knew how though!

10. What is your MBTI type?
My personality type is ISFJ.

11. Do you keep your room clean or messy?
I love for it to be clean, but if I am in the process of organizing and that sort of thing then it tends to be messy and it drives me crazy!

I tag whoever wants to do it! ;)


  1. Fun!! I like all your answers!

    I like raw carrots better too... ;)

    But I'd have to be paid 1 million dollars to skydive! *wink wink*

    1. Thanks! ;D

      Yes, they're the best!

      Haha *wink* It would be kinda scary, but I think it might be fun... Maybe... ;D

  2. Your middle name is really cool!!
    And I'd love to go skydiving!! (Although I'm not sure I'd have enough nerves in the end! xD)

    1. Thank you!!
      I think it would be lots of fun! (Haha, I know what you mean!) ;)
