Wednesday, February 13, 2019

When Calls the Heart Blog Party ~ Day 3 ~ Tag

I'm having such a blast with this party of ours! Make sure to head over to Faith's blog! Her posts are a ton of fun!!

Don't forget that you can join in with a post of your own if you want!

This lovely Wednesday (Valentine Eve) I will be doing a When Calls the Heart tag that Faith and I created back in 2017 when we decided to do the blog party. Some of my questions have changed so I thought it would be fun to go back and re-do it. ;)

1. What's your favorite season of When Calls the Heart?
I'd have to say seasons 3 & 4 are my favorites. Season 3 because there's so much stuff packed into it. All the action with Frank, Lee and Rosemary's wedding, and a ton of other goodness!
Season 4 because of that Engagement!

2. Who is your favorite character and why?
I have too many to choose from! Besides all of the obvious answers like the main characters, I like Carson Shepherd. The new doctor in town is a great addition to the how. He and Faith Carter make a nice couple....

3. Who is your least favorite character and why?
Well, I used to say Charles Kensington, but he has never come back since season 2 (thankfully!). Ray Wyatt definitely is my answer! He was horrid!! I though Henry Gowen was bad, but oh no, Ray Wyatt is terrible!!

4. When did you first start watching When Calls the Heart?
Summer of 2014! One of my best life decisions ever. ;) (Okay, so that's a bit of an exaggeration I suppose, but definitely one of the best movie decisions. ;))

5. Do you have a favorite couple from the show? If so, who and why are they your favorites? 
Well out of my three favorites, only one couple is left...So my favorite is Lee and Rosemary. :)

6. Do you have a favorite quote from the show?
Rosemary has such great lines! I have so many favorites, but here's two great ones.

Abigail: "Rosemary, you're stunning. Trust me"
Rosemary: "Really? Because I was going for breathtaking. I guess stunning will just have to do."

7. What are your thoughts on Rosemary LeVeaux? Did you like her right away or did she grow on you?
I did not like her at all! Now, I simply love her. :)

8. Have you read the When Calls the Heart book series?
I have read the first 4 books in the Canadian West series. I need to finish that series so I can read the Return to the Canadian West series.

9. Was there anything in season 5 that surprised you? (characters, plots, etc…)
Umm...Jack's death....

10. What do you foresee happening in season 6? (Be creative and as detailed as you like :))
I'm not going to say much here do to an upcoming post. ;) One thing I'm super excited for though is seeing more of Jack and Elizabeth's baby! That should be really sweet. :)

Don't forget to enter the giveaway here!!


  1. I've never seen the show, but is it possible Jack didn't really die? Could they bring him back and be like, "yeah, he got hurt/lost his memory/was kidnapped and he just now got better/got his memory back/escaped"?

    1. You've never seen the show! How is that possible? ;) Kidding, I know not everyone enjoys the same stuff. :)
      I wondered the same thing, but unfortunately Jack really is dead. I was holding out hope, but then there was an aftershow and the actor who plays Jack along with two of the actress's from the show and the producer talked more about it, and the guy who plays Jack was really leaving the show so they killed him off. :'(

  2. 1. tough choice about a favorite season
    2. Lee, Abigail, Doc is a great addition, Rosemary is fun
    3. Agree about Ray, but Henry is one of those bad boys I love
    4. Saw it when it was beginning season 2, so we were able to start
    from season 1
    5. Lee/Rosemary, Abigail/Pastor
    6. Above quote is great as well as when Lee mentioned wanting a passel
    of kids. Rosemary stutters is shock. So funny.
    7. Didnt like her at first, but she became lovable.
    8. I had read the Canadian West series long ago.
    9. Oh goodness, Jack should not have died. My husband looked it up and
    found out that the man playing Jack had another contract so
    wanted out.
    10. Yes I am excited to see how the town enfolds not only Elizabeth
    but baby Jack. I might me nice that a good man that she respects
    can earn her affection.
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

    1. Thanks for answering the questions, Lori! I enjoyed seeing your answers! :D

  3. Fun tag, m'dear!
    Haha, agreed on Ray Wyatt—horrendous fellow, that one.
    I love Rosemary's character and her quotableness ;)
    I need to finish the Canadian West series as well...

    1. We came up with a good tag, didn't we? *wink* It was fun going back and re-doing it. :)
      Yes, Ray Wyatt is the worst person ever to come on the show! I actually saw him in another movie and he was the main guy, and quite nice. It was a bit strange seeing him in such a different role...
      Me too! She is seriously the most quotable character on the show!
      Same here!

  4. Rosemary and Lee are probably my favorite couple too! ;) I get a kick out of Rosemary most of the time!

    1. They are the sweetest! Same here! Rosemary is a great character! :D

  5. This is one of the best shows my family has ever watched. Even Papa enjoys it. I think he likes Rosemary and also the reality of the show. I always wondered why I liked the show so much. That's probably why. I haven't read any of the books but I would love to have a chance to do so.

    1. It is so good! I'm glad to hear you really enjoy it, Rachel. :) It really is one that the whole family can enjoy. =)
      The books that I've read so far have been wonderful! A lot different from the show, but still really great.

  6. Eeps, super fun!! I'm hoping to do this tag today, it looks like fun!
    I definitely hated Rosemary at first but now I absolutely love her and Lee!!

    1. Yay!! I hope you do it. I'd love to see your answers! :D
      Same here! Now they're just the cutest couple. =)
